Focus on fire emergency lighting and evacuation indication system solutions!
Centralized control type emergency lighting centralized power supply KF-D series
Centralized control type emergency lighting centralized power supply KF-D series

Functional characteristics

● Meet the standard GB17945-2010 "Fire Emergency Lighting and Evacuation Indication System".

● Adopting advanced DSP control, the product is reliable and stable, achieving digital control of the product. The full Chinese LCD displays the working status and operating parameters of EPS in real-time, which is intuitive and convenient, making user operation simpler.

● Complete battery management function, with automatic equalization to float charging, regular battery detection, single battery voltage display, and battery fault alarm functions, ensuring a longer service life of EPS batteries.

● Equipped with network communication management function.

● Equipped with remote monitoring and control functions for dry contacts, it can be linked with other equipment for control (optional). Intelligent fan control ensures low noise and long service life of the entire machine.

●  Automatic switching can achieve unmanned operation, and the switching time between the power grid and EPS power supply is less than 0.1 seconds, meeting all emergency power supply requirements. By utilizing the mains bypass and inverter backup power supply method, the efficiency under mains power state is over 99%, saving electricity for users. In non emergency power supply, there is basically no power consumption.

● Equipped with network mains power mutual switching function, detecting the automatic switching of main power (1st mains power) and backup power (2nd mains power).

● Equipped with overload, short circuit, and undervoltage protection.

● Overload characteristics:<120%, normal operation>125%, with a delay of 10 seconds for protection.


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