Focus on fire emergency lighting and evacuation indication system solutions!
Centralized control system with built-in power supply
Centralized control system with built-in power supply

Functional characteristics

1. Power supply method

The main power (fire power AC220V) circuit supplies power to the regional emergency lighting distribution box, and then the regional emergency lighting distribution box directly depressurizes (DC24V or DC36V) through the switch power supply to supply power to the emergency lighting fixtures connected to each power supply circuit in the area.

2. System communication method

Adopting LonBus two wire communication technology, the control host connects to the area routers located in the emergency lighting distribution box in each area, and then communicates with the emergency lighting fixtures connected by the area routers (with a free topology structure)

3. Lamp control method

Each centralized control emergency lighting fixture in the circuit has an independent ID (address), which can independently execute commands and actively report the status information of the lighting fixture. The built-in microcontroller of the lighting fixture can monitor the condition of the battery and light source in real-time.

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